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查看未来 3 个月全球假期及行政机构、银行和证券交易所 关闭或停业的完整日历以及学校日历。立即注册网站,查看更丰富的历史节假日信息! Monday, 4月 8, 2024

Date国家 名称
星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (肯塔基州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link加拿大 (安大略省)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link墨西哥 (奇瓦瓦)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link西班牙(瓦朗谢讷)区域假日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (新罕布什尔州)假期
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link多米尼加悔改与奉献日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link沙特证券交易所斋月结束(可能更改到最近一日)
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link印度 (旁遮普)古鲁·纳巴·达斯
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link巴西(圣埃斯皮里图州)国庆节
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link孟加拉国可选假日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link北马其顿(共和国)可选假期
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link伊朗 (伊斯兰教)核技术国家日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link北马其顿(共和国)吉普赛人国际日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link芬兰吉普赛人国际日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (纽约州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link巴西(马托格罗索州)区域公共假日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (得克萨斯州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link南乔治亚岛秋天银行休假日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link科科斯群岛 (基林)自主法案
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link西班牙(加泰罗尼亚)区域假日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link马约特可选的假期
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link卡塔尔公务员假日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link英国 ((英格兰)火车罢工
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link墨西哥日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link加拿大 (新不伦瑞克省)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (阿肯色州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link加拿大 (魁北克省)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (伊利诺伊州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (伊利诺伊州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (印第安纳州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (密苏里州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (密苏里州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (俄克拉何马州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (俄克拉何马州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link印度 (旁遮普)银行仍然营业
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (得克萨斯州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link莫桑比克妇女节
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link加拿大 (安大略省)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link吉尔吉斯工作日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link加拿大 (魁北克省)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link印度干燥的一天(不含酒精)
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link加拿大 (纽芬兰省)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link阿拉伯斋月结束(可能更改到最近一日)
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link加拿大 (新不伦瑞克省)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link阿拉伯联合酋长国斋月结束(可能更改到最近一日)
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (俄亥俄州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link尼泊尔区域假日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link泰国却克里朝日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link也门斋月结束(可能更改到最近一日)
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link英国 ((英格兰)欧洲旅游市场
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link加拿大 (纽芬兰省)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (阿拉斯加州)阿拉斯加朱诺民族节
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link加拿大 (爱德华王子岛)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link吉尔吉斯革命日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link墨西哥日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (纽约州)可选假日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (阿肯色州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link泰国证券交易所却克里朝日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (印第安纳州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link多哥游览多哥
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (缅因州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link几尼亚发现古兰经
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (新罕布什尔州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link巴林斋月结束(可能更改到最近一日)
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (俄亥俄州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link阿根廷可选假日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (宾夕法尼亚州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link巴西 (圣保罗州)可选假日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link美国 (佛蒙特州)日食
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link雅加达证券交易所斋月结束(可能更改到最近一日)
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link马尔代夫公务员假日
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星期一 4月 8, 2024link茨冈, 罗马国庆日
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日食 - 美国 (肯塔基州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

日食 - 加拿大 (安大略省)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

日食 - 墨西哥 (奇瓦瓦)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

区域假日 - 西班牙(瓦朗谢讷)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 : 圣文森特·费雷尔 仅在瓦伦西亚

假期 - 美国 (新罕布什尔州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 : Solar eclipse

悔改与奉献日 - 多米尼加

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : 最近,多米尼加政府宣布全国悔改和奉献日为每年庆祝的新的公共假日。这个节日是由多米尼加福音教会协会提出的,并被政府接受,它承认多米尼加人需要某种程度的精神意识,并认识到需要共同为多米尼克的繁荣而工作和祈祷。

斋月结束(可能更改到最近一日) - 沙特证券交易所

星期一 4月 8, 2024
金融机构 : Https://www.saudiexchange.sa dates confirmed till Dec 2024

古鲁·纳巴·达斯 - 印度 (旁遮普)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
印度教 :

国庆节 - 巴西(圣埃斯皮里图州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

可选假日 - 孟加拉国

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 : 斯里·哈里奇和塔库尔1812年出生于戈帕尔贡的萨法丹加。他经历了马达山(自我实现),并在十二诫中宣扬他的意识形态和宗教哲学。他的追随者认为他是上帝(塔库尔)哈里奇和维什努的化身。 [Wikipedia]

可选假期 - 北马其顿(共和国)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 : 纪念1971年在伦敦举行的第一届世界罗马大会。标志着第一个国际罗姆人组织的开始和罗马尼国歌和国旗的名称罗姆(而不是吉普赛人)的引入, 只受到罗姆人社区观察

核技术国家日 - 伊朗 (伊斯兰教)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 :

吉普赛人国际日 - 北马其顿(共和国)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : 仅由罗姆人社区庆祝

吉普赛人国际日 - 芬兰

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : 仅由罗姆人社区庆祝

日食 - 美国 (纽约州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

区域公共假日 - 巴西(马托格罗索州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 : Anniversary of Cuiaba in Cuiaba only

日食 - 美国 (得克萨斯州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

秋天银行休假日 - 南乔治亚岛

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

自主法案 - 科科斯群岛 (基林)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

区域假日 - 西班牙(加泰罗尼亚)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 : 复活节后的第二个星期一 仅限巴塞罗那

可选的假期 - 马约特

星期一 4月 8, 2024
穆斯林,苏菲 : End of Ramadan

公务员假日 - 卡塔尔

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

火车罢工 - 英国 ((英格兰)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 : In London area

日食 - 墨西哥

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatl醤, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torre髇 should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

日食 - 加拿大 (新不伦瑞克省)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

日食 - 美国 (阿肯色州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatl醤, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torre髇 should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

日食 - 加拿大 (魁北克省)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

日食 - 美国 (伊利诺伊州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatl醤, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torre髇 should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

日食 - 美国 (伊利诺伊州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

日食 - 美国 (印第安纳州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatl醤, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torre髇 should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

日食 - 美国 (密苏里州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

日食 - 美国 (密苏里州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatl醤, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torre髇 should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

日食 - 美国 (俄克拉何马州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

日食 - 美国 (俄克拉何马州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatl醤, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torre髇 should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

银行仍然营业 - 印度 (旁遮普)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
银行已经关闭 :

日食 - 美国 (得克萨斯州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatl醤, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torre髇 should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

妇女节 - 莫桑比克

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 : 周六或周日跌倒时的带薪假期

日食 - 加拿大 (安大略省)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatl醤, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torre髇 should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

工作日 - 吉尔吉斯

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

日食 - 加拿大 (魁北克省)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatl醤, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torre髇 should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

干燥的一天(不含酒精) - 印度

星期一 4月 8, 2024
特殊事件 :

日食 - 加拿大 (纽芬兰省)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatl醤, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torre髇 should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

斋月结束(可能更改到最近一日) - 阿拉伯

星期一 4月 8, 2024
穆斯林,苏菲 :

日食 - 加拿大 (新不伦瑞克省)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatl醤, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torre髇 should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

斋月结束(可能更改到最近一日) - 阿拉伯联合酋长国

星期一 4月 8, 2024
穆斯林,苏菲 :

日食 - 美国 (俄亥俄州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatl醤, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torre髇 should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

区域假日 - 尼泊尔

星期一 4月 8, 2024
佛教(小喇嘛) : 戈代雅特拉 仅加德满都谷地

却克里朝日 - 泰国

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 : 并且尊敬Rama I,朝代的第一位国王国王。 在1782年,这位国王决定曼谷将成为泰国首都。

斋月结束(可能更改到最近一日) - 也门

星期一 4月 8, 2024
穆斯林,苏菲 :

欧洲旅游市场 - 英国 ((英格兰)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
商业展览 : Https://portal.etoa.org lasts 2 days -- in London 2024 edition confirmed

日食 - 加拿大 (纽芬兰省)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

阿拉斯加朱诺民族节 - 美国 (阿拉斯加州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
文化 : Http://akfolkfest.org lasts 7 days - 2024 edition confirmed

日食 - 加拿大 (爱德华王子岛)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

革命日 - 吉尔吉斯

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 : 标志着2010年革命席卷库尔曼贝克巴基耶夫的权力,并为阿尔马兹贝克阿坦巴耶夫的总统让路。 2010年4月7日,比什凯克发生大规模反政府抗议活动,近100人被安全部队打死。(自2016年起) 周六或周日跌倒时不是带薪假期

日食 - 墨西哥

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

可选假日 - 美国 (纽约州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
穆斯林,苏菲 : 斋月结束(可改为最近的一天)

日食 - 美国 (阿肯色州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

却克里朝日 - 泰国证券交易所

星期一 4月 8, 2024
金融机构 :

日食 - 美国 (印第安纳州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

游览多哥 - 多哥

星期一 4月 8, 2024
体育事件 : Lasts 1 week 2024 edition NOT confirmed

日食 - 美国 (缅因州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

发现古兰经 - 几尼亚

星期一 4月 8, 2024
穆斯林,苏菲 :

日食 - 美国 (新罕布什尔州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

斋月结束(可能更改到最近一日) - 巴林

星期一 4月 8, 2024
穆斯林,苏菲 :

日食 - 美国 (俄亥俄州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

可选假日 - 阿根廷

星期一 4月 8, 2024
穆斯林,苏菲 : 斋月结束 只为穆斯林社区

日食 - 美国 (宾夕法尼亚州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

可选假日 - 巴西 (圣保罗州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
穆斯林,苏菲 : 斋月结束 只为穆斯林社区

日食 - 美国 (佛蒙特州)

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

斋月结束(可能更改到最近一日) - 雅加达证券交易所

星期一 4月 8, 2024
金融机构 :

公务员假日 - 马尔代夫

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 :

国庆日 - 茨冈, 罗马

星期一 4月 8, 2024
世俗的节日 : 纪念1971年在伦敦举行的第一届世界罗马大会。标志着第一个国际罗姆人组织的开始和罗马尼国歌和国旗的名称罗姆(而不是吉普赛人)的引入,