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南非, 南非 (东开普省), 南非 (北开普省), 今天是贵国国庆日!EDIT 在这个特别的日子祝您万事如意。

查看未来 3 个月全球假期及行政机构、银行和证券交易所 关闭或停业的完整日历以及学校日历。立即注册网站,查看更丰富的历史节假日信息! Friday, 2月 23, 2024

Date国家 名称
星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦(远东联邦区)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦(西伯利亚联邦区)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯(伊尔库茨克州)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦(加里宁格勒州)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦(北高加索联邦区)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link达累斯萨拉姆文莱独立日 (文莱达鲁萨兰国)
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦 (达吉斯坦共和国)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦(中央联邦区)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦 (鞑靼斯坦共和国)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦 (车臣共和国)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦 (北奥塞梯共和国)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯 (俄罗斯 联合会)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link圭亚那共和国日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦(乌拉尔联邦区)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦 (列宁格勒州)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦(西北联邦区)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦 ( 犹太自治州)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦(南联邦区)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦 (莫斯科州)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯联邦(伏尔加河沿岸联邦区)保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link斯里兰卡满月节(泼雅)
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link加拿大 (育空地区)遗产的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link德尼斯特河.摩尔多瓦共和国防卫者日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link日本创业板天皇诞生日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link尼日利亚 (翁多)假期
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link东京金融交易所天皇诞生日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link东京商品交易所(TOCOM)天皇诞生日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link匈牙利狂欢节
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link俄罗斯交易系统保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link科伦坡证券交易所纳瓦姆满月波亚日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link尼日利亚 (卡杜纳)卡杜纳国际贸易博览会
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link吉尔吉斯辩护者节
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link欧洲期货交易保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link莫桑比克悲哀的日子
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link东京证券交易所天皇诞生日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link纳米比亚悲哀的日子
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德电影节
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link名古屋证券交易所天皇诞生日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link赞比亚悲哀的日子
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link意大利全面罢工
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link大阪证券交易所天皇诞生日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link大阪证券交易市场天皇诞生日
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星期五 2月 23, 2024link西班牙(瓦朗谢讷)悲哀的日子
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link日本 (四国地区)天皇诞生日
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link日本 (丘戈库地区)天皇诞生日
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link日本 (关西地区)天皇诞生日
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link日本 (丘布地区)天皇诞生日
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link日本 (关东地区)天皇诞生日
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link吉尔吉斯证券交易所辩护者节
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link不丹 (中部地区)国王纪念日
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link日本 (九州/冲绳地区)天皇诞生日
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link日本天皇诞生日
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link日本 (北海道/东北地区)天皇诞生日
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link不丹 (西部地区)国王纪念日
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link乌克兰保卫祖国的周年纪念日
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link不丹国王纪念日
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link不丹 (东部地区)国王纪念日
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link不丹 (南部地区)国王纪念日
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星期日 2月 23, 2025link白俄罗斯独立英雄节
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保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦(远东联邦区)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦(西伯利亚联邦区)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯(伊尔库茨克州)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦(加里宁格勒州)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦(北高加索联邦区)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

独立日 (文莱达鲁萨兰国) - 达累斯萨拉姆文莱

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : 1984年1月1日从英国获得

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦 (达吉斯坦共和国)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦(中央联邦区)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦 (鞑靼斯坦共和国)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦 (车臣共和国)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦 (北奥塞梯共和国)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯 (俄罗斯 联合会)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

共和国日 - 圭亚那

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : 1970年,英联邦内主权民主国家的地位

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦(乌拉尔联邦区)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦 (列宁格勒州)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦(西北联邦区)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦 ( 犹太自治州)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦(南联邦区)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦 (莫斯科州)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯联邦(伏尔加河沿岸联邦区)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

满月节(泼雅) - 斯里兰卡

星期五 2月 23, 2024
佛教(小喇嘛) : 庆祝佛教史上的下列事件:进入佛陀(萨里普塔和玛哈·莫加拉纳)的两个主要门徒的命令,佛陀首次宣布僧侣的基本伦理戒律。佛陀宣布,在三个月内,他的帕里尼巴纳(死亡)将发生。 http://www.mysrilanka.com/travel/lanka/festivals/POSON.HTM

遗产的周年纪念日 - 加拿大 (育空地区)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
文化 :

防卫者日 - 德尼斯特河.摩尔多瓦共和国

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 :

天皇诞生日 - 日本创业板

星期五 2月 23, 2024
金融机构 :

假期 - 尼日利亚 (翁多)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : To honour the late former governor, Mr Rotimi Akeredolu

天皇诞生日 - 东京金融交易所

星期五 2月 23, 2024
金融机构 :

天皇诞生日 - 东京商品交易所(TOCOM)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
金融机构 :

狂欢节 - 匈牙利

星期五 2月 23, 2024
文化 : Farsang

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 俄罗斯交易系统

星期五 2月 23, 2024
金融机构 :

纳瓦姆满月波亚日 - 科伦坡证券交易所

星期五 2月 23, 2024
金融机构 :

卡杜纳国际贸易博览会 - 尼日利亚 (卡杜纳)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
商业展览 : Http://kadccima.net/ lasts 2 weeks 2024 edition confirmed

辩护者节 - 吉尔吉斯

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 : not a paid holiday when falling on Sunday

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 欧洲期货交易

星期五 2月 23, 2024
金融机构 : Eurex is closed for trading and exercise in MSCI Russia Index derivatives

悲哀的日子 - 莫桑比克

星期五 2月 23, 2024
特殊事件 : For the passing of former Namibian President Hage Geingob.

天皇诞生日 - 东京证券交易所

星期五 2月 23, 2024
金融机构 :

悲哀的日子 - 纳米比亚

星期五 2月 23, 2024
特殊事件 : For the passing of former Namibian President Hage Geingob.

贝尔格莱德电影节 - 塞尔维亚

星期五 2月 23, 2024
文化 : Www.fest.rs/ lasts 2 weeks - in Belgrade 2024 edition confirmed

天皇诞生日 - 名古屋证券交易所

星期五 2月 23, 2024
金融机构 :

悲哀的日子 - 赞比亚

星期五 2月 23, 2024
特殊事件 : For the passing of former Namibian President Hage Geingob.

全面罢工 - 意大利

星期五 2月 23, 2024
世俗的节日 :

天皇诞生日 - 大阪证券交易所

星期五 2月 23, 2024
金融机构 :

天皇诞生日 - 大阪证券交易市场

星期五 2月 23, 2024
金融机构 :

悲哀的日子 - 西班牙(瓦朗谢讷)

星期五 2月 23, 2024
特殊事件 : In tribute to a blaze victimes

天皇诞生日 - 日本 (四国地区)

星期日 2月 23, 2025
世俗的节日 : 在赞扬日本明仁天皇(出生于1933年) Not a paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

天皇诞生日 - 日本 (丘戈库地区)

星期日 2月 23, 2025
世俗的节日 : 在赞扬日本明仁天皇(出生于1933年) Not a paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

天皇诞生日 - 日本 (关西地区)

星期日 2月 23, 2025
世俗的节日 : 在赞扬日本明仁天皇(出生于1933年) Not a paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

天皇诞生日 - 日本 (丘布地区)

星期日 2月 23, 2025
世俗的节日 : 在赞扬日本明仁天皇(出生于1933年) Not a paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

天皇诞生日 - 日本 (关东地区)

星期日 2月 23, 2025
世俗的节日 : 在赞扬日本明仁天皇(出生于1933年) Not a paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

辩护者节 - 吉尔吉斯证券交易所

星期日 2月 23, 2025
金融机构 :

国王纪念日 - 不丹 (中部地区)

星期日 2月 23, 2025
世俗的节日 : 现任国王被称为 德鲁克·贾尔波 (龙王)

天皇诞生日 - 日本 (九州/冲绳地区)

星期日 2月 23, 2025
世俗的节日 : 在赞扬日本明仁天皇(出生于1933年) Not a paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

天皇诞生日 - 日本

星期日 2月 23, 2025
世俗的节日 : 在赞扬日本明仁天皇(出生于1933年) Not a paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

天皇诞生日 - 日本 (北海道/东北地区)

星期日 2月 23, 2025
世俗的节日 : 在赞扬日本明仁天皇(出生于1933年) Not a paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

国王纪念日 - 不丹 (西部地区)

星期日 2月 23, 2025
世俗的节日 : 现任国王被称为 德鲁克·贾尔波 (龙王)

保卫祖国的周年纪念日 - 乌克兰

星期日 2月 23, 2025
文化 :

国王纪念日 - 不丹

星期日 2月 23, 2025
世俗的节日 : 现任国王被称为 德鲁克·贾尔波 (龙王)

国王纪念日 - 不丹 (东部地区)

星期日 2月 23, 2025
世俗的节日 : 现任国王被称为 德鲁克·贾尔波 (龙王)

国王纪念日 - 不丹 (南部地区)

星期日 2月 23, 2025
世俗的节日 : 现任国王被称为 德鲁克·贾尔波 (龙王)

独立英雄节 - 白俄罗斯

星期日 2月 23, 2025
文化 : 向过去和现在的军人致敬的日子,也承认所有的人。 [www.belarus.by]